Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning

Looking around 3dom this morning, I realised how lucky I was as a teacher to have such a terrific class. Look at them all interacting over Monopoly Deal before school and then hard at work on their 3D drawings during Maths.

Thanks for being fantastic 3dom! 


  1. I miss doing stuff on my computer at school, I only get to use it when get home after I've done my hour and a bit of homework.

  2. Dear 3dom,

    I bet your class is a hard working class just like ours, The games you play look really fun. We have games very similar like that in our class that some of our students play but the populist game in our class is Uno people think its really fun and so do I.

    Veronika Lanfear
    Ngata House
    Ross Intermediate.
