Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Science Technology Today

Today we have had science technology. We looked and touched sheep lungs and a dead magpie. We were lucky enough to have a go at blowing into a pipe that goes into the lungs and make them blow up.
Here are some photos of today.

The Next Big Thing

This term we are looking at The Next Big Thing, which is about looking at small every day problems and finding a solution. The ideas we have are Pasti, C.C.C Chockets and a recycling service.

Hopefully our products will make it to the school finals.


Check Out Our Vocabulary List!

There are so many words that Room 3 has learnt, that I could not fit all of them in the picture! 

iPods in 3dom

Earlier this term we were selling chocolates in our school, raising money for the school. In 3dom we sold enough boxes to get five iPods in our class. We have got our iPods and we did a quiz and had a bit of a play, getting to know them. We are really excited to use them in class as learning tools. We made some rules for our iPods here they are...

iPods in 3dom

How can we use them?
  • Student missing a laptop
  • Film - record what is happening in our class, make movies
  • Practise learning - basic facts and other educational games
  • Photography
  • Quick references
  • Group work - activity that needed an iPod
  • Take a photo of board work and have it next to us
  • Blogging
  • Photos for blog
  • Digital books - reading
  • Video diary - what has 3dom done today?
  • iPod a day - students get to use iPod on a rotation - one day each week where you get to use the iPod in your learning
  • iPods for reward

What are valuable apps to have?

What are the rules around using our iPods?

  • No downloading applications without permission
  • No inappropriate use
  • Only used when appropriate
  • Charged each night - responsibility
  • Do not go out during play time and lunch time
  • No changing the passcode (3dom - 3366)
  • Backgrounds are set 
  • No deleting history
  • No emailing/chatting using iPod
  • Email photos, documents, videos ONLY
  • Stay on task while using iPod
  • Permission required for use
  • Do not drop, take care of it, keep it clean, keep it safe, be gentle

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Photo Essays

Thanks to Tonya and Laura for submitting their Photo Essays for homework. They look fantastic!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Write on the Wall - share something positive about your day!

Science Technology

On Wednesdays every week we have Technology. At the moment we are doing science.  Last Wednesday it was our second time in science. We looked and touched sheep brains. We got to touch half a pigs head it still had the brain sitting there in its skull. Mrs Loveridge taught us about the human body because that is the theme for this year. We played a nuron game where you stand in a circle and we squirt the person next to you with water. This taught us that the nurons not touching each other shoot the chemicals inside us to other nurons to tell us to move. Here are some photos of last Wednesdays lesson.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Here are the songs and warmups we have been having fun, practicing on wednesday morning singing. Dont forget to practice them. 

Oh the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men.
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
Then he marched them down again.
And when they were up, they were up.
And when they were down, they were down.
And when they were only half way up,
They were neither up or down.

Ah poor bird,
Take thy flight,
Far above the sorrows,
Of this sad night.

Flea fly
Flea fly flow
Oh no no no no na vista
Telemony saxomony oh oh oh oh a
Saxomony telemony oh oh oh oh a
Ex biddy ‘oppin boppin, bop bop a diddum daddum,
Mary fairy cherry fairy, kiss hu ha!

CSI Programme


In Room 3 we are doing a reading programme called CSI. CSI is based on the TV programme CSI. Room 3 is going to be doing this exciting programme for the rest of the term.

Cross Country

Where here to talk about Cross Country, coming up on Friday 21st June we still have 7 days to exercise and to get ready for the ultimate run for victory!