Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Credible Voices

In 3dom, we have been learning about how to make a "credible voice" for our narrative characters. A "credible voice" is a voice that is completely believable and fits to the characters attitude, and personality. The exercise that we did was we all agreed on six kinds of people and we all wrote what we think they would say if the person were asking for a drink. The six different voices that we chose were: a toddler, a pirate, a builder, an australian, a member of your family and a naughty teenager. Try to guess which is which!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Threedom,

    It has been a while since we did this task but Mrs Bradshaw found this activity on your blog and she liked it so much she set the same for us! When we did this we shared with our thinking buddies our sentence and voice we come up with for each character. Is that how you did it ? When we were sharing you could barely hear your own thinking buddy due to all the noise. Was it like that when you shared the voices ?

    Hope to hear back from you soon

    Kind regards
    Paige Hutching
    Room 2
    Ross Intermediate
