Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Long Division

The Squares maths group in 3dom have been working on a new strategy called Long Division.
Long Division is pretty much just an algorithm for division, You always have to follow the rule:
D.M.S. Divide - Multiply - Subtract. you start by dividing, the way that you do this for example,


You start by counting, how many times can you put 7 into 5. But in this case since you can't put 7 into 5 you merge 5 with the next number 6. So now figure out how many times 7 goes into 56. 8 is the answer so now to find the last number.

Start by thinking how many sevens go into seven, which is obviously 1. Now you have your answer    7÷567

If there are ever remainders you have to for example,

7x8 since eight was the first number, = 56 then 56 - 56 is 0. But if the multiplication was 58 - 56 = 2 you have r2 (remainder 2) which then passes onto the next number,

Without remainder: 7-7
With remainder: 27 - how many times 7 goes into 27. Which is 3, so 7x3 is 21.
Now the final equation is: 27-21=6 and then you know the remainder is 6. (Remember to write r6 and the end of your answer.)

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