Tuesday, July 2, 2013


For The Next Big Thing 3dom has three groups doing different inventions. Our group has invented a chair pocket, Chockets. We are very excited to share our pitches with Mrs Stanley. Here are some pictures of the chocket.


  1. That is so cool invention I wish I had one of those Chocket.
    That was great The Next Big Thing.
    By: Monishan
    From: Ross Intermediate
    Room 2

  2. That a great idea and well done for making it in the Ngata assemble but if someone went behind the chair they can steal there books, pen, pencil, eraser and ruler how can you solve the problem from people stealing things from the pockets or is that just your prototype that you were showing in the Ngata assemble and who created the prototype?

    Massey Andrews
    New Zealand
    Palmerston North

  3. Well done for making it into the Ngata assembly. Wow how did you come up with that idear is fantastic one thing I have to ask is, can it hold a pensil case if it can I know I will want to buy one. Who are the people in your group.

    Joshua Turner
    New Zealand
    Palmerston North
    Ross Intermediate
    Room 2

  4. That is a really cool invention I would buy one of them
    I wish I came up with that idea. When you's went into the Ngata team
    assembly you's had a prototype no one else did so nice job.
