Thank you so much for a great year 3dom!
I've loved everything about this year, best class EVER!
Thanks to Mrs Stanley for being a wonderful teacher and helping with all of 3doms learning, saftey and attitude. Also thanks to the students in 3dom, for being great class mates, friends and creating loads of amazing memories!
I will miss you all! :L
Good luck to all of the year 8s moving off to high school! Make the most of it! And i'll see some of you year sevens next year!
Ka kite anō and ta ta for now
Your class mate, Paris.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Food Tech. We are on our last sessions of Food Tech and this Wednesday we get to recreate the recipes we have made and ate then invite a friend as a sampler. Hope all goes as planned!
Good Luck Everyone!
Good Luck Everyone!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Halloween Disco!

Food tech
Hi guys this term our technology is food tech and it has been so much fun other than having to chop up onions. So far we have made hamburgers and fritters and they were delicious. Can't wait until next week.
Kite Term goals
Last week we made our very own kite Term goals and are focusing on flying high in Term 4.
Here are some of them :
Here are some of them :
We have started our routine circuits in cricket and we had our first session with them yesterday we shared our session with Room 2 and some of Room 1. We practiced our catching and throwing skills. Everyone really had a fun time and we can't wait until our next session it is going to be just as amazing.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Click on the link and read all the information thoroughly. Then, answer the 10 questions at the bottom.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Fraction Games
At the moment, we are learning about fractions in 3dom. Click the link below for some awesome links to fraction games and lessons.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Alfa Lima Papa Hotel Alfa Bravo Echo Tango
A brand new alphabet was introduced to tech group one today. It is called the NATO phonetic Alphabet. It is used regardless of your native language, or your accent. You use it on boats, you use it in the army, in the police force. mainly to avoid confusion of same-sounding words and letters. For example b and d sound similar over a radio or telephone along with m and n.
Imagine if in a war someone mistook m for n in a code. Game over.
Here is a list of the words used in the NATO phonic Alphabet
Imagine if in a war someone mistook m for n in a code. Game over.
Here is a list of the words used in the NATO phonic Alphabet
C.S.I visualising
Hi guys, in we are doing are doing a awesome reading program C.S.I. We are focusing on a new skill Visualising. Visualising is when the author word's paint a picture in your head we had a really fun activity when the whole class had to draw what they Visualised.
Here are the results for 3dom's Poll. The most voted for the Poll (favourite subject), is P.E.!
Please vote next week.
Thank You.
Ngata Rules!
Here is a little clip of the Ngata finale - Walking on Sunshine. This was filmed by our new student, Brody Baird.
Hi, my name is Brody. I live with my Nana, Grandad, Dad, four cousins, big brother and Aunty. I like to go scootering, watch the stock cars, play rugby and play Xbox. Last year, I played for Kia Toa rugby. The position I play is Prop. I have moved from Room 7 for a fresh start.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Fish Friday!
Every Friday afternoon 3dom has a awesome time doing activities and games by using the fish philosophy, which are: Making their day, play, being present and choosing your attitude.
One of the things we do most fridays is a cool activity. We write on everyones pieces of paper about what things you love about them. We go round the circle and take turns by writing nice things about that person. At the end of the day as we are about to leave we get handed back our piece of paper and go home with smiles on our faces from all the nice things the class has said about you. Fish Fridays are so fun!
One of the things we do most fridays is a cool activity. We write on everyones pieces of paper about what things you love about them. We go round the circle and take turns by writing nice things about that person. At the end of the day as we are about to leave we get handed back our piece of paper and go home with smiles on our faces from all the nice things the class has said about you. Fish Fridays are so fun!
Hey guys I have added this post to talk about our Thursdays. Mr Templeton has been interrupting our class a lot, so I think that he is getting bored and he has to come and disturb our classroom all the time. But anyway Mr Templeton comes into 3Dom on Thursday afternoons so that Mrs Stanley can get the afternoon off. Mr Templeton does P.E with us, he takes us to the library and he annoys us all the time by coming into our classroom practically every day. Hope you enjoyed and make sure that Mr Templeton gets this very important post:)
Parent conferences
Reminder that next Tuesday, 10th of September, is a half-day because of parent teacher conferences.
They arranged time will be on the calendar by the end of the week. Please check that you have booked your conference and will be able to make the arranged date and time.
Repeat ...
10th of September, is a half-day because of parent teacher conferences.
Thank you 3dom
They arranged time will be on the calendar by the end of the week. Please check that you have booked your conference and will be able to make the arranged date and time.
Repeat ...
10th of September, is a half-day because of parent teacher conferences.
Thank you 3dom
Monday, September 2, 2013
Intelligent Animals
Check out this amazing site we found after "asking questions" during our CSI lesson. This is crazy! Make sure you read the blurbs as well...
Monday, August 26, 2013
Read the information below and summarise what you find out in your own words. What questions do you still have about what a clique is and how they can affect your well being?
Clique Information
Clique Information
Monday, August 19, 2013
Monday Morning
Looking around 3dom this morning, I realised how lucky I was as a teacher to have such a terrific class. Look at them all interacting over Monopoly Deal before school and then hard at work on their 3D drawings during Maths.
Thanks for being fantastic 3dom!
Thanks for being fantastic 3dom!
Top School Competition - Ross Intermediate?
Here is the link to the Top School competition. Make sure you fill in the form carefully and ensure spelling and punctuation are correct before submitting it.
Really consider what makes our school different. Think about what we have, that other schools might not have.
Really consider what makes our school different. Think about what we have, that other schools might not have.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Pythagoras theorem
In Maths we have been working on Pythagoras theorem. How Pythagoras theorem works is, if their were two squares on the base and side of a right angle triangle it would the same area as the square
on the long side of the right angle triangle which is called the hypotenuse. Here is a great link if you want to know more. Pythagoras theorem
on the long side of the right angle triangle which is called the hypotenuse. Here is a great link if you want to know more. Pythagoras theorem
Wood Technology
3dom has just finished science technology. We had such a great time! We have now moved onto wood work with Mr Filer. We are making clocks after last years boxes. With our own design and colours we have been working really hard cutting, sawing, drilling and so much more.
Here are some pictures!
C.S.I Reading
This term in 3dom we have ben doing C.S.I. Reading. We have been learning to find text to text, text to self and text to world connections and now we are learning to ask questions. It has been so fun and there is more to come.
Credible Voices
In 3dom, we have been learning about how to make a "credible voice" for our narrative characters. A "credible voice" is a voice that is completely believable and fits to the characters attitude, and personality. The exercise that we did was we all agreed on six kinds of people and we all wrote what we think they would say if the person were asking for a drink. The six different voices that we chose were: a toddler, a pirate, a builder, an australian, a member of your family and a naughty teenager. Try to guess which is which!
Pubertal Health Unit
We have had 2 sessions doing Pubertal Health and we have got some links to help you understand more what might be happening to your body.
Kids Health - Puberty BBC - Pubertal Health - Teenagers
Kids Health - Puberty BBC - Pubertal Health - Teenagers
Developing Characters
In 3dom we are looking at fiction writing and developing characters. Last week we started a character sketch writing about our new characters so we got to know them better. We have also worked on the story line looking at a snapshot of their life. We are all really looking forward when we start writing our short stories.
By Jessie and Abby
By Jessie and Abby
Self esteem
Hi guys room 3 has been talking about what makes us original amazing and special. We are in the making of posters called For Sale where we talk about what makes us special and original and we are writing it all down in on our posters so that we can print them out and continue being us the way we are.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
This term for P.E we are doing Athletics. The events we are focusing on are Discus, Long jump, High jump and Shot put. We are practicing for Athletics in term 4. It's been really awesome so far Can't wait till next week
Ngata has been very busy practising our production. Mrs Stanley has been really busy and is putting all the work she does into making Ngata's part in the production the best in the school.
We are all exhausted at the amount of work we have done on the production so far this term however we are all looking forward to the big performance and can't wait to get up on stage.
We are going to be singing Summer Nights, Don't Forget Your Roots, Walking On Sunshine and Slice Of Heaven and we just can't wait to let our amazing singing voices out to the crowd.
We are all exhausted at the amount of work we have done on the production so far this term however we are all looking forward to the big performance and can't wait to get up on stage.
We are going to be singing Summer Nights, Don't Forget Your Roots, Walking On Sunshine and Slice Of Heaven and we just can't wait to let our amazing singing voices out to the crowd.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Geometry Shapes
In 3dom we are looking at Geometry for the start of this term. This week we have looked at 2D shapes. We all made glossaries showing 2d shapes and their definition. We have also looked at 3D shapes.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Long Division
The Squares maths group in 3dom have been working on a new strategy called Long Division.
Long Division is pretty much just an algorithm for division, You always have to follow the rule:
D.M.S. Divide - Multiply - Subtract. you start by dividing, the way that you do this for example,
You start by counting, how many times can you put 7 into 5. But in this case since you can't put 7 into 5 you merge 5 with the next number 6. So now figure out how many times 7 goes into 56. 8 is the answer so now to find the last number.
Start by thinking how many sevens go into seven, which is obviously 1. Now you have your answer 7÷567
If there are ever remainders you have to for example,
7x8 since eight was the first number, = 56 then 56 - 56 is 0. But if the multiplication was 58 - 56 = 2 you have r2 (remainder 2) which then passes onto the next number,
Without remainder: 7-7
With remainder: 27 - how many times 7 goes into 27. Which is 3, so 7x3 is 21.
Now the final equation is: 27-21=6 and then you know the remainder is 6. (Remember to write r6 and the end of your answer.)
Long Division is pretty much just an algorithm for division, You always have to follow the rule:
D.M.S. Divide - Multiply - Subtract. you start by dividing, the way that you do this for example,
You start by counting, how many times can you put 7 into 5. But in this case since you can't put 7 into 5 you merge 5 with the next number 6. So now figure out how many times 7 goes into 56. 8 is the answer so now to find the last number.
Start by thinking how many sevens go into seven, which is obviously 1. Now you have your answer 7÷567
If there are ever remainders you have to for example,
7x8 since eight was the first number, = 56 then 56 - 56 is 0. But if the multiplication was 58 - 56 = 2 you have r2 (remainder 2) which then passes onto the next number,
Without remainder: 7-7
With remainder: 27 - how many times 7 goes into 27. Which is 3, so 7x3 is 21.
Now the final equation is: 27-21=6 and then you know the remainder is 6. (Remember to write r6 and the end of your answer.)
I LOVE books !
Ross Intermediate Book Fair ! We had a bok fair at the Library, remember If you want your books you have to pay in Cheque, Eftpos or Cash.
It's true you know.
The Next Big Thing Close Call
The chosen idea was the amazing chockets which made it into the Nagta team finals. But sadly was over taken by Ross Goss, But Apparently it was not an easy discussion our pitch was really well performed but Ross Goss was a better Idea and would benefit the school. Hopefully Ross Goss will win the school competition, good luck!
In class we are learning how to use apostrophes and commas in the right place. Here are some funny photos of apostrophes in the wrong place...

How To Use An HTML Code
Tech Group 1 have been learning how to use links/codes like, HTML.
First go onto the clip or animation that you want to post and find the embed code and copy it.
Then go to your blog post and simply paste the embed code into the HTML page.
Click publish.
This is how you share animations or videos with your class, friends, family and more.
Who wants Ice Cream ?
For this term we have been doing Ice Cream steps as part of our Homework. If we have completed our Homework to a high expectation we, will get one of the following and at the end of the term, what you achieved you will get..
Soccer for P.E
This week and last week room 3 have been doing Soccer for P.E.
We have been dribbling with a partner up and down the field practicing our left to right dribbling technics.
Soccer has been really fun for the whole class.
We have been dribbling with a partner up and down the field practicing our left to right dribbling technics.
Soccer has been really fun for the whole class.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
School Cross Country
Last Friday we had cross country at Ashhurst Domain. It was a really fun day. Here are some photos of the day.
Interschool cross country
Darcy in our class is at Interschool cross country today good luck to him.
18 - 22 Is perfect for you
Do you have your heat pump on to high? Well this should answer your question because 18 - 22 is perfect for you.
Dance Academy Trip
Mrs Stanley and Dance Academy are going to the Girls High School showcase at Boys High School this friday. Their dance groups will be performing ,Sleeping Beauty, and Dance Academy is lucky enough to go and watch along with lots of other schools. It's going to be an amazing show as they dance their way along the stage. We are all very excited. Dont forget to get back your notices Dance Academy!
For The Next Big Thing 3dom has three groups doing different inventions. Our group has invented a chair pocket, Chockets. We are very excited to share our pitches with Mrs Stanley. Here are some pictures of the chocket.
Multiplication Algorithm
For maths we are working on multiplication and division. For the last few sessions we have been trying to master the "Multiplication Algorithm". It's a really effective way to multiple double digit numbers by double digit numbers, It has been really fun and easy enough to learn. It is linked to the strategy "Cross Products" where you times the ones of the first number by the ones and the tens of the second number, and then the tens of the first number by the ones and the tens of the second number then you add the results up together. Go on why don't you try one?
1. 35 x 23 = ?
2. 47 x 13 = ?
3. 72 x 39 = ?
3-Doms mind blowing artwork
Rubix Cube Disco
Here is a video all about the disco.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Science Technology Today
Today we have had science technology. We looked and touched sheep lungs and a dead magpie. We were lucky enough to have a go at blowing into a pipe that goes into the lungs and make them blow up.
Here are some photos of today.
Here are some photos of today.
The Next Big Thing
This term we are looking at The Next Big Thing, which is about looking at small every day problems and finding a solution. The ideas we have are Pasti, C.C.C Chockets and a recycling service.
Hopefully our products will make it to the school finals.
Check Out Our Vocabulary List!
There are so many words that Room 3 has learnt, that I could not fit all of them in the picture!
iPods in 3dom
Earlier this term we were selling chocolates in our school, raising money for the school. In 3dom we sold enough boxes to get five iPods in our class. We have got our iPods and we did a quiz and had a bit of a play, getting to know them. We are really excited to use them in class as learning tools. We made some rules for our iPods here they are...
iPods in 3dom
How can we use them?
- Student missing a laptop
- Film - record what is happening in our class, make movies
- Practise learning - basic facts and other educational games
- Photography
- Quick references
- Group work - activity that needed an iPod
- Take a photo of board work and have it next to us
- Blogging
- Photos for blog
- Digital books - reading
- Video diary - what has 3dom done today?
- iPod a day - students get to use iPod on a rotation - one day each week where you get to use the iPod in your learning
- iPods for reward
What are valuable apps to have?
What are the rules around using our iPods?
- No downloading applications without permission
- No inappropriate use
- Only used when appropriate
- Charged each night - responsibility
- Do not go out during play time and lunch time
- No changing the passcode (3dom - 3366)
- Backgrounds are set
- No deleting history
- No emailing/chatting using iPod
- Email photos, documents, videos ONLY
- Stay on task while using iPod
- Permission required for use
- Do not drop, take care of it, keep it clean, keep it safe, be gentle
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
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