Here are the songs and warmups we have been having fun, practicing on wednesday morning singing. Dont forget to practice them.
Oh the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men.
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
Then he marched them down again.
And when they were up, they were up.
And when they were down, they were down.
And when they were only half way up,
They were neither up or down.
Ah poor bird,
Take thy flight,
Far above the sorrows,
Of this sad night.
Flea fly
Flea fly flow
Oh no no no no na vista
Telemony saxomony oh oh oh oh a
Saxomony telemony oh oh oh oh a
Ex biddy ‘oppin boppin, bop bop a diddum daddum,
Mary fairy cherry fairy, kiss hu ha!